App to rotate skins

Hmm I don’t know, maybe yes, maybe no, I will check it out when I have some free time :stuck_out_tongue:


That would be very much appreciated!

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Have you attempted developing the “randomizer” for the standard launcher… Any luck?

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I’m quit sure that this is not possible. On the other hand @iscle has baffled me a few times already…


As @G1NT0N1C says, it looks like it’s not possible. I took a look at it and at least it didn’t look as easy as doing it for Eric’s UL.

Right now I’m working on customizing the “Always Time” also known as “Always On Display” watchface.


Great news! Waiting forward for it!

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You are about to become everyones best friend with this :wink: . Great work


Will it be an APK to install own faces instead of the standard face?

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It’ll be a Magisk Module, as I need to override the preinstalled apk. It also requires root permissions to run, so I thought this would be the easiest way since Magisk would need to be installed anyway.

One advantage of doing it with a Magisk Module is that it’s completely reversible by just disabling it from Magisk Manager :smiley:

It’s a bit tricky to implement since everything needs to be converted to a single Bitmap that gets sent to the kernel. I’ll try to support ClockSkin files as much as possible.

Also, I left it all night (8 hours) and it used arround 2.5%/h while refreshing the screen every minute. The stock implementation refreshes the screen (and time) every 3 minutes!


You’re my idol! Keep up the great work!

Hi iscle. I’ve been using ur app Clockskin Randomizer 4 quite a while on my Kospet Hope using UL Launcher & it is a fantastic app, so very nice work. Yesterday there was an update which I did & now it isn’t working as it was. If I keep the screen on it change Watchfaces but as soon as the display goes off it stops changing them. Any idea’s please?

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The app is killed by the system, make sure it’s not in the battery cleaner list.


AWESOME! If this works (and I am certain it will), I will again try to use this app! Thank you!

@Dr_Andy_Vishnu @G1NT0N1C @Eric_Crochemore Ok, so some people have pointed out that I am not very good at all this technology stuff. As a matter of fact, some people have pointed out that my knowledge of anything technological is nil! (I will mention no names but G1N & Tim know who I am talking about! :laughing:) But it seems to me that you people are going about this rotation of watch faces all wrong…so let’s see if Uncle Doons can’t show you the right way to do it…and it is so easy that you’ll kick yourself for not thinking of it! :thinking::grin: All I do when I want to rotate a watch face on my Kospet Hope Lite is simply turn the watch through 360 degrees! :woozy_face::crazy_face::rofl: Cheers, Doons

P.S. Don’t bother to thank me boys, I am always only too happy to help!


Can you please help me with a problem I’m facing with my KW88 Pro smartwatch?

Start with describing your problem.