[REQUEST] Custom Digital Watchface

Hi there!

I’ve seen a lot of watchfaces arround here, but most of them are analog, not digital. I’d like to know if somebody could create a digital watchface for me, based on the one in the image. It’s the one I had on my Moto 360 and I liked it a lot.

Also, if it’s not too much to ask, in 24h format :smiley:




I can try, but do I need to get permission from or give credit to someone for the original design? If I don’t make it EXACTLY like that, I can probably get away with it. Also, do you have any color preferences?

Are you sure that it’s a Motorola stockface? If yes, a copy would be ok. But I thought it was a payface from the playstore.

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BTW… are you certain that it was digital? LOL! I see this as the only solution to this request.
I don’t think it’s “doable” with WFD because of layer masking interference. Anyone else with some ideas out there? Here I am using four “perspective” layers.

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No, it’s not a stock watchface, it’s available in the play store. And yep, it was also paid. I’d have no problem buying it, but of course, it doesn’t work with our watches :frowning:

This is the original link, it has a lot of styles, but the one I like is the one shown in the picture.

As for the colour, I like black & white, just like the original :slight_smile:

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Is it possible to get the meridian to display in 24 hour mode? Also, not possible to lose the
leading zero on single digit hours

Sorry, but if it’s a paid face from the playstore, we can’t publish a copy here. That’s against our rules. But I like this face, too.

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Of course!

I will try to contact the developer and see if they give us permission to recreate it.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Edit: just contacted the dev, I’m waiting for an answer.

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OOOOOOoooohhhhh NNNNNnnnnnnooooo………

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It does now. LOL!:wink:

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That’s a really clever way of doing it!

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Thank you! I think it’s the ONLY way. Digital clocks all display the same digits instead of a sequence.

Yeah, if only we could have the time display as 1:24 instead of 01:24. If we can, i haven’t figured it out.

For UL faces, you can create two GIF’s, for the hours use framerate one per hour, for the minutes framerate one per minute.


How about this? Watch must be set to 12 hour format…

UL not necessary.



Sorry can’t post a link until you get approval!


UL launcher and there is 15 gifs

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Also you can create (in WM) a single entry for hour({dh}) next entry to the right could have a string value of {dh}+1 etc. I dunno if I explained it well :wink:
In WFD maybe create a bunch of digital numbers then put them side by side and have them at increasing value offsets…

Any answer yet?.. doubtful.