Hope vs Optimus Pro

Hi folks. Newbie here. I’m a watch fan in general, I love big-faced thick watches. I have a mini-Invicta collection.

So I’ve been doing some research on purchasing a full android watch. The number of brands is dizzying frankly, but I have kind of narrowed it down to the Kospet Hope or the Kospet Optimus Pro. It seems like the Hope is generally held in high regard. The dual processor on the Optimus is intriguing. But what is the Optimus Pro ( or any dual processor watch) giving me over a good watch like the Hope?

Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated.

As it curently stands i would get the hope for now . As you are a warch lover also you will like the quailty look . The finow X7 is also a great big all steel looking watch ( altough bigger ) . Check out the @SmartWatch_Ticks reviews . He is great

Oh yeah, I’ve been binging on Tick’s videos. I think the Hope is a good starting point. I bet most folks on here have more than one.

Thanks Tim.

It becomes a obsession lol . Welcome on board :+1:

I first didn’t think much of the dual processor thing,thinking that I’d never use the “bracelet mode” as it looked like a gimick to me.But then I’ve got a twin sim card for my Optimus and now I use both modes depending on if I want to take my phone with me or not : I use the watch in the “long stand by” mode (they say it’ll last a week in this mode but mine last much longer than that) until I decide to leave my phone home, then I switch to smart mode and use my watch as a phone, among other things.
This works just perfectly for me.
Another good thing on optimus is that it has a file transfer cable that works out of the box.Hope does not have that option, you need to get an extra cable and so on.
Further more, optimus looks much better than Hope IMHO, and it has a bigger battery too.
I’d go for Optimus any day of the week


Thanks fuuz…of course now you have made my decision much harder. LOL. I still PROBABLY will go with the Hope and wait for the second iteration of the dual proc watches to see if there are any improvements.

I agree completely, Optimus Pro all the way baby!

I HOPE you like all the Invicta watch faces I have made!:upside_down_face:

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Woah…Invicta faces? Now you are talking!!

You guys are doing a good job of changing my mind…you know eventually I’ll probably get both, lol.

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