Yin Yang - Improved due to @tehq comments

Expanded Yin and Yang to “full circle”…


CREDIT: I Ching, the “Book of Changes,”


Next pepsi is watch face

Love the idea, but will offer some constructive criticism: the grey outline around the white parts looks cheap and so do the fonts; temperature and battery indicators are off-center in regards to the circles they’re in; the size and color of a time indicator makes it difficult to read… apart from that, it’s perfect.

Sir, I value constructive criticism and totally agree re: the grey outline (my bad), but the other faults cited are due to CSM not representing positions, etc. correctly. BTW, truly constructive criticism need not conclude with your snide statement “apart from that, it’s perfect”.

I know the angst of putting a creation out there and in doing so leaving oneself and one’s work open to criticism. Wasn’t trying to be snide in the slightest, only lighthearted.

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Very well said mate! :+1: Cheers, Doons