New JM01 WATCH - as yet unsupported

from@smartwatch ticks

Unfortunately, I have not found a way to install any custom watch faces using any of the known techniques. I hope those of you who get this watch can test as well and report back if you figure out how to do it.


Other comments

Pablo Eleven (Pablo11)
I think the fact that it does not accept custom faces pretty much puts it out of the realms of this forum. I mean - that’s what we’re here for.
I think it deserves a spot on the support forum - although I doubt we will ever be able to support it +SmartWatch Ticks

Even with my launcher ?

smartwatch Ticks
I really hope it works with your launcher Eric! I hope to test it soon, after the wave of next three watch reviews are posted. They all landed at once. That’s why this one was just a quick taste of an overview.

still unsupport custom faces for this H1 ?