Need Help regarding Self build launcher

Since past i week I have been working on My Custom Launcher. It’s My own build launcher build by Fully reverse Engineering stock launcher to add features. So i built a Engine for watchmaker files(un-protected) and tried to run on on My Launcher.
Please refer to the Video I have attached.The Skins are loading fine but for some the scales are awefully off and I noticed that the Co-ordinates seems to be little off too. Can it be fixed? Does it needs some offset?
Can you please help me with this @Eric_Crochemore.The watchfaces in the video are .watch format
Modded stock Launcher with .watch Support

int w = (int)(hourHand.getIntrinsicWidth()*scale_factor);
int h = (int)(hourHand.getIntrinsicHeight()*scale_factor);
hourHand.setBounds((this.centerX1 + iCenterX) - (w / 2), (this.centerY1 + iCenterY) - (h / 2), this.centerX1 + iCenterX + (w / 2), this.centerY1 + iCenterY + (h / 2));

I am using the first code to set bounds on the drawables. And the following code for drawing Texts of .watch files.I am using a scale factor of 0.8.


That’s impressive. Normal size is 512, maybe this face uses some special zoom in a script. How do you manage lua scripts ?

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I haven’t used implemented lua scripts yet… it’s not interactive as your launcher, but will try to implement that later…have you made a list of {tags} for different elements??
It will be great if you can share the list of tags and their definition

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Here is the wiki
But without lua, only simple faces will work. But that’s already something. :+1:

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Yeah realised that…plus without lua…multiple things operlaps which should appear on tap…Thanks…will try to find a workaround for that

Forgot to mention that you could use my WearWatchFace if your launcher is compatible, it opens all faces compatibility.


Yeah…my launcher supports it…but to use this wear os apk, the launcher needs to be installed in system/priv-app because it needs BIND_WALLPAPER permission which is only granted to system apps.

I am planning to use this library for lua scripts and to provide interactivity, but i have a doubt as how statements like “var_switch ==1 and 100 or var_switch ==2 and 100 or 0” can be called from java

It’s not complicated, I was using this library in my 1.x version… the issue is the speed…

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Anyway i don’t like smooth analog movement of clock, so i replaced it with mechanical movement which i basically 1frame per second of ondraw…i think this library will be fast enough to handle 1 FPS

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I was using something like that :

globals = org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse.JsePlatform.standardGlobals();
globals.load(script, "mainscript").call();

with script being the lua text…

Also :

LuaValue res = globals.load("bla bla lua" , "temp").call();
if (!res.isnil()) s = res.tojstring();

to make matters worse, you could create tweens.zoom altering the size and x/y position to zoom in and out (working well in UL) but some others use a tweened x/y animation scale instead. I’ve tried both, the latter being more CPU efficient but I Think unsupported by UL if I remember correctly. If you happen to run into zoom problems then you know they could be using animation scaling instead.


Yeah, i figured that out

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