Is there a fitness tracking app that include steps while in long standby mode?

I use Google fit but it doesn’t take into account steps taken in long standby mode of my Thor 5 which is annoying. Is there another app that does?

No sorry . There is not . Thanks

Theoretically an app should be able to read and record the step count when Android shuts down, read it when it boots up, and log the difference.

Maybe I’ll try making a little app myself that does this and saves the result using the Google fitness APIs.


would be great!!!keep us updated on the development !!! but can this be used with activities like bodybuilders?

And here it is! Project on GitHub:


It works on my Thor 5 but it hasn’t been tested on anything else, and it doesn’t (yet) differentiate between activities while in long standby mode.


Thanks, any new developer is welcome !


I’ll find it and give you all the feeds! Thanks :pray: :heart:

And now? What should you do?

Walking around, for example?:wink:

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Pedometer only? No calories burned, no heart beats?

I haven’t looked into calories and heart rate yet. If it’s feasible I will add them.


Haha . I was waiting for that :grin::grin:

On Google fit, go to settings and turn on and off sensors. Works nowadays all day with Google fit and step counts with thor pro 3g

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New version uploaded to GitHub:

If a session fails to insert it will be retried later.

Now you can choose the activity type for the next long standby session. If you don’t choose, Dual Track will select running, jogging, fitness walking, walking, or unknown based on the step pace.

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Could it be done for Strava too? That it keeps recoding while phone is in sleep mode of even on the normal watchface?

holy crap !
how am i only finding this now ???

Your the man. Wicked awesome !