Hash anybuddy got da time?

What it feels like when you’ve had one-two-many…



A little different :joy: . Looks great

Ah! The closet drinker reveals himself yet again! :rofl: @doubledad It is an imaginative idea and quite an interesting layout…no doubt, to those who have partaken a little too liberally,:champagne: all the hands and numbers appear normal?! :thinking: Nice one mate :+1: Cheers, Doons

Doons - Yes, the hands do reflect the time accurately, if that what you mean by “normal”… And THANK YOU for the like!

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Hi doubledad No mate I realised that the hands accurately, just a joke about it appearing normal to a drunk. :grin:As for the Like, you are more than welcome mate! I think that all you guys who are creating these faces for us…indeed anyone of the members who is trying to help other members in any way… should at least receive recognition and encouragement for their efforts! :+1:Cheers, Doons