Finally working wiiwatch

After a while i finally able to sync and connect with wiiwatch
I am using wiiwatch 1.98 and no trouble with the connectivity

I’m on redmi note 5 pro with miui 10.2 and android 8.1
I am able to sync and connect with 2 different apps

Wiiwatch 1.98 and Watch droid phone 10.1


How can you make a stable connection with watchdroid?

Mine works flawlesly ? What is wrong .

Be more specific


Yes, i’m still struggling with watchdroid :sweat_smile: There are frequent disconnection problem. I’ve did put on the widget, but still the problem remains on my Thor pro, things that I didn’t find on my previous KW88 :sweat:

Have a look through this section if you havent already . Or ask him directly
