4 pin connector

Does anyone else thing the use of the 4 pin magnetic connector for the charge cable is a poor option compared to micro USB ?

It seems only these Chinese android watch makers have adopted this standard, not that it is a standard as they cannot even decide on one simple connector.

Every other phone maker on the planet goes with micro USB or USB C. USB C is the new standard and will be for a long time.

Every time I buy a new phone watch I always have to search out a supplier for the USB charge cable… These watches have such short battery life that I like to have a cable at work and at home and in the car. A watch like this with a flat battery and no able is a brick. Micro USB are everywhere.

The benefit of a slightly more water proof watch is small compared to the benefit of using the worlds most universal connector. The other issue with these connectors is how insecure they are compared to USB. It is near impossible to use when plugged in without the magnet failing and the cable coming away from the watch. Give me micro or C USB any day.

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